Become part of a responsible community

AkademikerPension is a member-owned pension fund for everyone with an academic education. We have more than 170,000 members, and whether you're new or established self-employed, we can offer you one of the strongest value propositions in the pensions industry at a low, transparent price that's the same for everyone.

Of course, you get a comprehensive package with attractive insurance, pension savings and health schemes, but you also become part of a pension fund where:

  • You become a co-owner and get the same conditions as all other members
  • You get high returns on a responsible basis
  • You pay low costs and no hidden fees

Do you want to hear more about the options for taking out a pension for the self-employed, or do you have questions about your existing scheme, you can always contact us.


Contact AkademikerPension

Please do not hesitate to contact our pension advisors:

For other questions, please write to:

Our opening hours are:

  • Monday through Thursday from 9am to 4pm.
  • Friday from 9am to 3pm.


Your options as an international worker

As a member of AkademikerPension and a non-Danish citizen, you are entitled to join a pension scheme under section 53 A of the Danish Pension Tax Act.

You can choose between two different products:

  • A full pension scheme with savings, insurance and health scheme.
  • Pure pension savings.

If you want the full pension scheme, it requires that you pay in at least DKK 1,000 per month (after tax deductions).

If you simply want to have pure pension savings, you decide yourself how much you save each month.

Why choose us?

Advantages of choosing us

When you, as a self-employed person, have a pension with us, you become a co-owner of AkademikerPension together with 170,000 other academics who together invest DKK 145 billion.

Being part of the community means you get a number of benefits that you can enjoy.

As a member with us, you get the AlfaPension scheme.

Here, as standard, you are well secured financially if you are suddenly affected by a critical illness or are unable to work. Just as you have a savings account with a risk adapted to your age.

Both insurance and savings can be adapted so that you get the coverage and take the investment risk that suits your particular life.

In addition to a pension scheme, you also get a health scheme.

You pay DKK 79 per month via your pension scheme and have the option of purchasing additional treatment at private hospitals and/or an individual health scheme for your partner and children.

Our most important purpose is to ensure that you have a secure old age where you can afford to live the life you want. That is why we focus on creating the best possible return over the many years you save for retirement.

With us, responsibility is the prerequisite for a good, long-term return, which is why we invest with a focus on climate, environment and human rights, among other things.

As a member with us, you can count on us working every day to play a positive role in the development of society. We work to promote the green transition and the UN's 17 global goals for sustainable development.

Everyone at AkademikerPension invests in the climate and contributes to the green transition. It is therefore not necessary to opt in or out of investing green.

You can always get free advice by phone or email.

You also get access to our self-service universe, where you can easily get an overview of and adjust your pension scheme.

For us, it is important that you can easily see what you are paying for.

That is why we have equal conditions for all members and no hidden fees.

Living abroad

Rules for members living abroad

When you live abroad and have a pension scheme in Denmark some special rules apply.

Tax identification number

When you live abroad and have a pension scheme in Denmark, it is a statutory requirement that we, as a pension fund, report information about your scheme to the Danish Tax Agency.

To be able to report this information, we need to know your tax identification number.

 What is a tax identification number?

It is a number that is used to identify the individual taxpayer. If you lived in Denmark, your Danish CPR number would be your tax identification number.

In other countries, you have special tax identification numbers, which are only used in connection with tax. These are often called TIN, which stands for Tax Identification Number.

You can get help on how to find the tax identification number in the country where you live on the OECD website.

You can send us your tax identification number by filling in our contact form via the button below and doing the following:

  1. Select the "Medlem (privatperson)" field.
  2. Select the "En pensionsrådgiver" field and press the "næste" button.
  3. Select the topic "Skatteidentifikationsnummer (TIN)", fill in the remaining fields and press the "send" button.

Exemption from the PAL tax

Please note that this does not apply to you if you have savings in a § 53A scheme.

If you live abroad and are not fully taxable in Denmark, you may be exempt from paying tax on the returns from your pension assets (PAL tax). However, you must inform the tax authorities (SKAT) yourself.

If you receive an exemption certificate from SKAT, you must subsequently send it to us so that we can exempt you from the PAL tax.

You can apply using form 07.058 on


If you disagree with something

If you disagree with our decision in your case, we encourage you to take it up with the handling department before contacting the complaints manager. Our experience is that many disagreements can be solved through dialogue, which is often the best solution for all parties involved.

Complaint resolution procedures

If you are not satisfied with the outcome after discussing it with the relevant department, please write to the pension fund’s complaints officer, who will assess your case. Serving as a liaison between the administration and the complainant, the complaints officer is responsible for handling appeals of the administration's decisions.

Please address your complaint to AkademikerPension’s Complaints Officer, Thomas Dahl Hurrelbrink, at

The Insurance Complaints Board

If the disagreement remains after the Complaints Officer (and possibly AkademikerPension’s board) has considered the case, you can bring it to the Insurance Complaints Board by completing a form downloadable from

The board can also be reached at:

Ankenævnet for Forsikring
Anker Heegaards Gade 2, 1
1572 København V
Tel. 33 15 89 00 (10am–13pm)

A fee of DKK200 is payable for complaints to the Insurance Complaints Board. The fee is returned to you if the board decides fully or partly in your favour. It is our policy to follow a decision made by the Insurance Complaints Board, but we reserve the right to appeal it within 30 days.

The courts or arbitration

Instead of bringing a case to the Insurance Complaints Board, you can:

  • Bring your case to court or
  • Require settlement through arbitration

You can also bring your case to court if the Insurance Complaints Board did not decide in your favour or if we rejected its decision.

European Commission's online complaint portal

Members residing in another EU country may also bring their complaint before the European Commission, at the European Commission´s complaint portal.

Our email address should be entered in the complaint:

Press releases from AkademikerPension